A safe place, a warm bed, and a shoulder.
The Table Men’s Hostel is a service provided by The Table Soup Kitchen Foundation. Our Hostel is currently an 8 bed shelter that welcomes males aged 16 and older. Guests are charged a rate of $14.29 per day. Financial arrangements are made individually with our Executive Director, Heather Cassie.
Guests are provided with a safe place, comfortable bed, shower facilities, access to other Table services (food, clothing, and community), opportunity to volunteer, assistance to develop an action plan to move out of homelessness, and support from a variety of local resources.
If you are interested in becoming a guest at our Hostel, please contact Heather Cassie at 705-349-3788 for a confidential interview. Guests will be chosen on a needs basis and willingness to adhere to the Hostel’s Rules and Guidelines.
The Location
The Table Men's Hostel is located in the heart of downtown Huntsville, at 11 Hanes St.
The Space
The Table Men's Hostel is set up with a washroom, living room, nicely equipped kitchenette, and bedroom. The dormitory style bedroom provides for semi-private sleeping arrangements. The beds are twin sized lower bunk beds, with ample storage above. Wooden dividers separate pairs of beds and there are also light blocking curtains on each bed. Linens and towels are available upon request.
The House Guidelines and Rules
Our Guidelines and Rules include:
Guests are asked to provide their own food, however, guests may access our Food Bank weekly and our take-out Soup Kitchen meals twice weekly.
Guests may enter and exit at their leisure for the duration of their stay.
No alcohol or drugs, other than prescription medications, are permitted on the property.
Guests cannot be negatively under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
All spaces within the Hostel are shared spaces.
There are security cameras on our property.